The Food Bank will be closed on Friday, April 25th. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions, please call 209-984-3960.
monthly commodities food distribution
Call to see if you qualify. Sign up through the Food Bank or one of our distribution sites. Choose one site for each program you qualify for.
Call 209-984-3960 press 101
Emergency Food Assistance
3rd Tuesday,
10am - Noon
locations throughout Tuolumne County
In Groveland - Friday after 3rd Tuesday
(Includes Seniors 60+)
Program Subject to Seasonal Availability
1st Wednesday
10am - Noon
4 locations:
Sugar Pine
Twain Harte
La Grange
kids club
Distributed at most Elementary Schools throughout Tuolumne County and the Food Bank during the school year to those registered for the program
Summer program on hold for Summer 2024 for program revision. Kids Club will resume for the '24-'25 school year in September.
Call 209-984-3960 press 101 to sign up

Food club van pop ups
The Food Bank has gone mobile with the Food Club Van! We're bringing food to seniors with our pop up distributions at selected sites.
The Food Club Van will have pop up distributions at an apartment
complex near you - soon! Give us a call if you're interested in learning
more about pop up locations.
For questions: (209) 928-3960 press 101
farm feed program
The Food Bank wants to support local furry (or feathered) friends while we reduce waste! Sometimes we receive more produce than we can distribute, so we have perfectly good produce that becomes overripened but is still great for animal feed. When you sign up for the Farm Feed Program:
Your name and contact information will be added to our internal list of individuals to call when we have extra produce.
You must come down pick up the produce at the Food Bank (10059 Victoria Way, Jamestown, CA)
This program does not provide food for household pets like cats and dogs. Please note that this program will likely be busier during the spring and summer when we receive the most produce.
Together We Can End Hunger in Tuolumne County
Gateway Church (Previously Groveland EV Free Church)
Pantry Hours: Friday after 3rd Tuesday of every month | 10am-12pm
19172 Ferretti Rd, Groveland
Christian Heights
Pantry Hours: By appointment only
18785 Pine St, Tuolumne
Jamestown Christian Fellowship
Pantry Hours: Thursdays | 9:30am-12pm
11281 HWY 49, Sonora
Sierra Bible Church
Go around back to sign in -
Someone will call you in.
Pantry Hours: Tues - Thurs | 10-11:30am
15171 Tuolumne Rd. Sonora
Lighthouse Ministries (Red Church)
Pantry Hours: Friday | 9:30am-12pm
42 Snell St. Sonora
Discover Life
Pantry Hours: Wednesday | 9am-12pm
4 S. Forest Rd, Sonora
St. Patrick's Church
116 Bradford, Sonora
Lake Don Pedro Baptist Church
Monthly - 1st Wednesday & 3rd Tuesday of every month or by appointment
4175 Abeto St, La Grange
Tuolumne United Methodist Church
Pantry Hours: Last Sat of each month
10-11am or by appt.
18851 Cedar St. Tuolumne
209-928-3426 or 209-559-2597
All Saints Catholic Parish
Pantry Hours: Tuesdays | 10-11:45am
23260 C Joaquin Gully Rd, Twain Harte
Nancy's Hope
Columbia Pantry Hours:
Tues + Thurs | 10-2pm
11151 Jackson Street, Columbia
Sonora Pantry Hours:
Mon - Sat | 10-2pm
797 W. Stockton Street, Sonora
Pantry always open during business hours
Open Mon - Fri | 10-1pm
118500 Striker Ct. Sonora
Locations, days and hours subject to change. We suggest calling the pantry prior to going to be sure that they are distributing.
Our Partner Pantries
Chapel In The Pines
2nd Sunday | 12pm - 1pm
Every Wednesday | 12:30pm - 1:30pm
18580 Cherokee Dr, Twain Harte
Find a hot meal
Please always call ahead before arriving at any of the pantry services listed on our website to ensure the program is up and running. Call (209) 984-3960, then press option #2 for our current list of distributions.
Nothing available at this time.
Dinner to dine in every Wednesday at 5:30pm
Christian Heights Church
13711 Joshua Way, Sonora, CA
For more info:
(209) 532-7305
Dinner to go every Wednesday at 5:30pm
Heart Rock Coffee Co.
1 S. Washington St,
Sonora, CA
Fore more info:
(209) 532-7305
3rd Wednesday of each month at 6pm
(March - September)
Church of the 49ers Faith Hall
11155 Jackson St, Columbia, CA
For more information
(209) 532-2441
Dinner every Thursday from 4:30pm - 5:30pm
(Downstairs in the Fellowship Hall)
Sonora United Methodist Church
90 Yaney Ave,
Sonora, CA
For more info:
(209) 532-4850
Nothing available at this time.
Dinner & Food Pantry Saturday from
6pm - 7pm
Community Assembly Church
18785 Pine St, Tuolumne, CA
For more info:
(209) 532-7305
Breakfast on the 3rd Sunday of every month
from 9am - 10:30am
Memorial Hall
18375 Fir Ave, Tuolumne, CA
For more info:
(209) 928-1214

Make a difference
Volunteer at The Food Bank
YOU are invited to be a part of The ATCAA Food Bank volunteer team that is working to fight hunger in Tuolumne County. As a Food Bank volunteer, you will make a big difference in the lives of the people in our community who need it the most.
We truly value all of our volunteers who dedicate some of their free time to us. We can work with your schedule and have a number of activities that fit a variety of capabilities. We are happy to accommodate any limitations you may have.