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Click above to read more about our program's recent federal review and how we are meeting standards in all areas.

Creating a welcoming learning environment. Give your child a Head Start.



Now Accepting Applications


How to Apply

For first time families, click here to fill out your preapplication online.

For returning families, please fill out the application below and return to our office.

After you submit your application online, an Early Childhood Services Family Advocate will contact you for additional information.

If you would like to print your application to fill out and bring in, see the links below.

Expanded Income Eligibility Guideline:

ATCAA Head Start is pleased to announce the income guidelines for eligibility have changed. Now, pregnant women and families with young children who are eligible for the CalFresh food program are automatically eligible for Head Start. This will expand the number of children and families who can benefit from ATCAA’s Head Start and Early Head Start programs

Need Help?



Amador County Locations in Jackson and Ione.

Tuolumne County Locations in Sonora, East Sonora, Jamestown, Soulsbyville and Tuolumne.

Early Head Start - Head Start Preschool 


Creating a Welcoming Learning Environment

By Making Friends and Building a Healthy Community

ATCAA Head Start Preschool and Early Head Start offer child enrichment, education, health, nutritional and developmental services as well as parent education and involvement opportunities. ATCAA offers Head Start preschool and State Preschool programs to prepare children for kindergarten, and Early Head Start for pregnant women and children aged birth to three.


Children may be enrolled at a Center or in a Home-Based Program. Approximately 300 families are served through these programs.


We offer many opportunities for parents to become involved in our program. The Policy Council and the ATCAA Board of Directors work closely in a joint governance model to assure the Early/Head Start Program is serving the children in our communities in the best possible ways. We collaborate with other agencies such as First Five Commissions; Child Abuse Prevention Councils; Nutrition Fitness Council; Parent Advisory Groups;  and many others to bring services to families. Funding is provided by the Federal Government and California Department of Education as well as fundraisers, grants, and donations from local organizations, businesses, and foundations.


What is Early Head Start?

Early Head Start programs provide family-centered services for low-income families with very young children. These programs are designed to promote the development of the children and to enable their parents to fulfill their roles as parents and to move toward self-sufficiency.


Early Head Start programs provide similar services as preschool Head Start programs, but they are tailored for the unique needs of infants and toddlers. Early Head Start programs promote the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of infants and toddlers through safe and developmentally enriching caregiving. This prepares these children for continued growth and development and eventual success in school and life.


Following the general Head Start model, Early Head Start programs support parents, both mothers and fathers, in their role as primary caregivers and teachers of their children. Programs assist families in meeting their own personal goals and achieving self-sufficiency across a wide variety of domains, such as housing stability, continued education, and financial security.

What is the Home Base Program?

Many children and parents receive Early Head Start and Head Start services right in their own home! Home visitors come and work with parents and their children. Together, the home visitor and parents watch and think about the child. They plan ways to help the child learn using parent-child interactions, daily routines, and household materials. A small group of children, parents, and their home visitors also get together on a monthly basis for group socializations.

ATCAA Head Start Food Program

ATCAA Head Start's Nutrition Initiative ensures the complete well-being of your growing child through healthy living, nutritious food, and physical activities. Our goal is to help children develop healthy habits for a healthy future. We ensure that the food we serve Head Start students is well-balanced, homemade, nutritious, and delicious! Our meals are made daily from scratch by on-site cooks at each Head Start location.

We make healthy choices for healthy kids including:

  • Each meal includes fresh fruits and vegetables that we purchase locally.

  • We prioritize organic food as much as possible.

  • We serve nutritious whole grains loaded with fiber and vitamins.

  • Head Start meals are free of artificial dyes, added sugars, and high fructose corn syrup.

  • We serve low- or nonfat, rBST-free milk (whole milk for age 2 and under)

  • We accommodate your children’s needs into our daily menus.

  • All the meat we serve is hormone free, if not organic.

  • We encourage children to try new flavors more than once!

Weekly menus are approved by a registered nutritionist. All servings comply with USDA portion size and nutrition requirements for children. We serve meals family-style to teach children how to share while working on their fine motor skills as they serve themselves. We are committed to each child’s dietary needs, so we are diligent about allergy restrictions and religious beliefs.

ATCAA Early Head Start and
Head Start 2023 Annual Report

Learning Together, Healthy and Safe


Click on the year for each program below to see how we are performing in our Head Start and Early Head Start programs:

Office of Head Start - Program Information Report (PIR) | PIR Indicator Report

head start logo.png

Head Start


Early Head Start


Sonora Service Center

427 N. Hwy 49 Suite 202

Sonora CA 95370

(209) 533-0361 ext. 240

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm

Closed on Fridays

In Amador County:

Jackson Head Start/State Preschool and Early Head Start
151 Shopping Dr. Jackson
(209) 223-7333

Ione Head Start/State Preschool and Early Head Start
108 W. Marlette St., Ione
(209) 274-0395

In Tuolumne County:

Blue Bell Head Start/Early Head Start
18080 Blue Bell East, Sonora
(209) 532-5455


Jamestown Head Start/State Preschool
18234 4th Ave., Jamestown
(209) 984-1715


Jamestown Early Head Start
10550 Seventh Street, Jamestown
(209) 984–1715


Soulsbyville Head Start/State Preschool
20300 Soulsbyville Road,  Soulsbyville
(209) 533-3143


Summerville Head Start/State Preschool
18451 Carter Street, Tuolumne
(209) 928-3651

We Care About Our Children

Download our Integrated Pest Management Plan for our Amador & Tuolumne
County sites.
enrollment HS from 2019-20.jpg
This website is supported by Grant Number 0CH011917 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of ATCAA Head Start and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.
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