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Until we can address affordable housing, we can not properly address poverty.


Safe and affordable housing is essential to building healthy families and communities. ATCAA's Housing Program plays a leading role in advocating for, developing, and managing affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families and individuals in our region.


ATCAA offers a variety of assistance and services to the community. Services include securing and stabilizing housing for homeless families and individuals as well as those at risk of becoming homeless.


Programs, projects, and funding streams are in a constant state of change, so it is best to contact our department by phone, so that we may assess the individual situation and provide help based on need and circumstances.

We are not accepting walk-in clients at this time. Please call our service centers to make an appointment:

Jackson Service Center: (209) 223-1485

Sonora Service Center: (209) 533-1397


When funding is available,

we offer emergency:

  • Homeless Rapid Re-Housing Assistance.



For Emergency Shelter, Call:

Do You Need Help With Housing?

Do You Need Help With Housing?

Your 1st step is to call the number

below for the county in which you reside:


Amador County – ATCAA  (209)- 223-1485  x 243 x223

Calaveras County- Sierra HOPE (209)-736-6792

Tuolumne County – ATCAA  (209)-533-1397 x 290 x238

Mariposa County – Health and Human Services (209) 966-2000

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ATCAA compiles the latest local rental listings for you!

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We provide emergency shelter for individuals and families in Amador and Tuolumne counties. While at the shelter, wrap around services include help and access to job search and training, medical care, childcare and permanent housing.


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finding solutions

Collaborating with community and government partners in Amador to address permanent solutions to homelessness in our community. Reaching out through PIT (Point in Time) homeless counts and surveys, Resource Events and engaging in Homeless Task Forces to identify needs and services gaps. 


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of care

ATCAA is a member of the Central Sierra Continuum of Care. CA-526, a local planning body that coordinates housing and services for the homeless. CSCoC members consist of local government, non-profit and interested parties in Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne and Mariposa counties. 


Committment to Community

Know Your Rights as a California Tenant

Learn more about your rights as a renter in the document below from the California Department of Justice

$MART Money for Success

Household and Money Workshops. Debt & Credit Counseling.

Free classes currently available in Amador and Tuolumne counties.

Do You Own Rental Property?

Become Part of our Rental Network


Program Highlights

Homeless Shelters

Homeless Shelters

Homeless Shelters
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Helen - ATCAA Shelter Client_HD

Helen - ATCAA Shelter Client_HD

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Jim Found Housing!_FULL_HD

Jim Found Housing!_FULL_HD

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From Homeless to Happily Ever After

From Homeless to Happily Ever After

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This couple who met at the shelter ultimately tied the knot at where else? The place they met.

ATCAA says:
“Veterans, Welcome Home to Varley Place!”

In  2018, Varley Place at 1003 Broadway in Jackson, California, became  "Home Sweet Home” for homeless Veterans and their families in Amador County and the Sierra foothills.


The City of Jackson’s Bartleson Building is completely remodeled into 12 spacious apartments: three 3-bedroom, three 2-bedroom, and six 1-bedroom. In partnership with VA of Northern California Medical Services and the local Housing Authority, the Amador Tuolumne Community Action Agency will welcome Veterans to their new homes.


Varley Place is named for ATCAA’s founder, Judy Varley. Judy was forever a staunch advocate for persons struggling to thrive in adverse circumstances. She made her final home in Volcano but her travels throughout the US during the Civil Rights era brought her to the ATCAA Board of Directors where she served for over a decade, establishing one of ATCAA’s core values of People Helping People.


The owner of the Bartleson Building agreed to donate the building to ATCAA in 2010. ATCAA’s Housing Resources staff requested and received funding to convert it to permanent supportive housing from the State Department of Housing and Community Department.

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