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Life Strategies Classes now offered at ATCAA's Family Learning Center

Columbia College's newest course offering, "Life Strategies for Success" will be held Tuesdays from 9:00am - 11:25am at the Blue Bell Family Learning Center on Tuesdays through the end of April. Anyone can sign up at any time during the course.

The Life Strategies course will equip you with the skills needed to take control of your destiny and achieve your goals. It will focus on subjects such as time management, memory skills, financial literacy, career exploration, organizational skills and more. The cost for the class is $20 or free if you are either taking an additional college class or have children ages 0-5. Register at the Learning Center or online at Columbia College. The course number is SKLDV 901 #3806. Contact instructor Melinda Fleming for more information at 209-352-8012. For more information about the Family Learning Center and additional classes go to the Center's web page here.

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