Substance Solutions for Amador Youth Coalition
Mission Statement
Supporting Amador County youth and their families, to reduce and prevent youth substance use; Utilizing a whole community approach for changing environments; Implementing local solution for local conditions, towards substance free childhoods.

Join Us
You are invited to the SSAY Coalition meetings. Join our team as we develop ways to use awareness, education, and resources to reduce and prevent youth from substance use / misuse in Amador County. Youth are encouraged to attend!
Zoom Meetings
3rd Tuesday of each month 3:30-4:30PM
The monthly meetings are hosted via Zoom. The link will be available each month before the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0367 2153
Passcode: 463936
Monthly Zoom Meetings
For more information about the SSAY Coalition visit SSAYCOALITION.ORG
Pat Porto, Family Resource Services Director 209-223-1485 ext 236 | pporto@atcaa.org
Wilma S. Fortich, SSAY Coalition Project Coordinator 209-223-1485 ext 259 | 209-660-12148 | wfortich@atcaa.org